Knowing money is available to help pay for your changeover from typical sources of power for your home to renewable solar energy is only the first step. There are several things you need to keep in mind if you plan to apply for one of the solar power grants available.
First, it is important for you to do your homework and at least have a really good estimate of the amount of money you need. This will help when you’re researching the solar power grants available. Some will only pay a portion of the costs needed for your change in energy sources. If one of these grants is what you apply for, knowing how much funding you need will allow you to determine whether it will benefit you to go ahead with the application.
Second, once you settle on the solar power grant syou want to seek, be sure to read all of the material available on those grants before you start working on them. Doing this may reveal something that would keep you from going ahead. Also, reading the entire thing may speed up the application process. You could become aware of everything you need ahead of time and can then get it all together before starting on the application. There’s nothing so frustrating than getting partway through an application and finding out you don’t have some information needed. This means you stop whatever you’re doing and search for what you need. Reading everything decreases this frustration.
Third, be sure to follow all of the directions sent with the grant application exactly. Send the correct number of pages with the correct information on each page. Don’t send anything extra. Don’t leave anything out. The readers of your grant have specific things they look for, and if they’re not there, you won’t get the grant. Also, these readers want things in a certain order and a certain number of pages. If your material is out of order or you have the wrong number of pages, you won’t get the grant.
Finally, don’t miss the deadline for submission. This deadline is not negotiable. If you miss it by one day, you won’t get the grant.
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