We’ve been showing people how to get paid to go solar for more than 40 years. The incentives offered by our government make it better than ever. We show you how the tax benefits, solar grants and SREC rebates actually pay you to go solar, with positive cash flow from day 1. Now isn’t that better than “free”. (The companies promoting the “free” solar systems (which they own, by the way) want those perks for themselves while they sell you the solar electricity, at a slight discount, but certainly not free. The cost of our systems are as low as 1/3 the cost, on a per-KWhr basis as these “free” lease plans.)
Tax credits, solar grants and production rebates, called SRECs… all these generate CASH. We can show you how to capture these benefits, even before you install your system. Whether you invest cash or finance your solar investment, solar pays increasing savings dividends, year after year.
If you know people who can benefit from solar, we pay a referral bonus, better than anyone in the industry. We guarantee it.
We have been showing people how to get paid to go solar since 1978, when the first tax credits were introduced. Everyone’s situation is different so we need to meet with you to find the best way for you to get paid to go solar.
Please fill out the form to the right and get paid to go solar.